Moving On

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 15 Oktober 2013 0 komentar


Well first of all, we've been skunked again. Our poor Ikey still reeks from a skunking incident that happened a week ago tomorrow. It happened the morning of my meeting with my site supervisor at my blocking placement, I repeatedly apologized for the odor.

And worse than that I unknowingly gave my students suckers that both smelled and tasted like skunk on Friday. They had been innocently sitting on my kitchen counter the morning of the incident. However, when they asked me why they tasted/smelled like skunk I told them that the Dollar Tree must not keep their candy very fresh. Yes, I feel guilty. But it was much easier to lie to them knowing I'll never see them again. Friday was my last day in my high school placement.


 I miss those kiddos. I had some sweet kids. I had some kids who were going through tougher situations than any 15 year old should ever have to go through and they made my days brighter. I think of them often and I hope they find their way. They are all so full of strength.

It's too early to tell how I feel about my middle school placement, suffice it to say it will be different. But I'm not yet sure if it's a good or a bad different.


In more life-changing type news: Drew accepted a new position at a company in Salem, VA. We are so excited for him to begin this new job and for this to hopefully be the first step towards us moving where we feel pulled: Roanoke.

I've requested to do my student teaching in Roanoke in the spring and if we can lease our house we could be moving as soon as December. It's been a bit of a whirlwind but it has been an awesome ride. We are so grateful for God's timing and are praying that we can immerse ourselves into the community He has for us.

Also, we are signed up to run the Color Me Rad 5K this weekend with Drew's parents and sister. I'm excited for them to come visit but in the interest of full disclosure, we have done no little training. It should be interesting (read: embarrassing).


I hope that fall wherever you are is as beautiful as it is here in the Appalachian mountains.

Judul: Moving On
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