Looking for an editor to join the Cup of Jo team

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 30 Desember 2013 0 komentar
I'm looking for an experienced writer/editor for Cup of Jo. Do you know anyone (maybe yourself?) who might be interested? This is a paid position based in NYC. Here are the details, below...Read More >

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2013 in Review

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
As I'm sure I stated last year New Year's isn't my favorite holiday. In fact, I dread it every year. Last year was the year I was crying in my sushi but I feel certain that part of me knew this would be the year I would lose my mamaw. I hope I can keep my shit together this year especially since we'll be celebrating with friends who maintain that New Years is their favorite. Perhaps I'll be more fun this year.

A Year in Review

In 2013:

We saw Mumford & Sons.

I became obsessed with Sons of Anarchy & New Girl

Welcomed the most precious baby girl into the world.

Became a Packer's fan (which after Sunday's game has worked out quite well!!)

Moved to Roanoke

Said goodbye to my grandmother

Drew started a new job

Got my second tattoo

Camped, hiked, gardened, and all of our usual yearly habits.

Here are some of my favorite picture memories from the year:








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Holiday in Pictures

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 29 Desember 2013 0 komentar
As one dear cousin put it "we made it through the holidays kids." It may not seem like much but with each passing year I am more and more impressed with mine and Drew's ability to simply survive the holidays. We were home for almost a week and we were booked up non-stop till today. But plenty of fun was had by most:



The highlights: Christmas jammies, Drew was Santa, made some ornaments, babies, friends. There were other notable occurrences that do not have a picture but just know it was a lovely holiday, we enjoyed it and we are happy to be back home. Hope your holiday was merry and bright!

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Happy Holidays!

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 24 Desember 2013 0 komentar
Happy Holidays! Can you believe 2014 is right around the corner?! Hope you're having a wonderful week!

Honestly, this year has has some ups and downs—long-time readers know that I'm not great with pregnancy hormones!—so I'm more grateful and touched than ever to have such incredible people returning to Cup of Jo. I love your funny, heartfelt and insightful comments and emails every day. I learn so much and can't express how happy I am to have you here. It's such a gift to have this warm and dynamic community of likeminded women.

Here's a quick look back over the past year, if you'd like...
Motherhood posts, such as co-sleeping with your children, six words to say to your child, five genius motherhood tips, naked babies at the beach, toddlers in the kitchen, a lullaby that really works...and the most moving post of my entire blogging career about a stillborn baby boy.
We also did a motherhood around the world series, where we interviewed mothers living in India, Mexico, Northern Ireland, Norway, Congo, Japan and Abu Dhabi. I was completely riveted by their answers and was inspired by parenting norms in different cultures. We'd love to do another series in 2014 with more countries.
Posts about toddler Toby, such as conversations with a two-year-old and three-year-old, playing his violin, his donut birthday cake, going on a babymoon trip for your older child, bringing his favorite book to life and preparing him for a sibling (thank you so much for the enlightening tips!)
Post about our new arrival, Anton, such as announcing our pregnancy, seeing his sweet profile, choosing a name, fast labors in cabs, introducing our two boys for the first time and decorating our very first Christmas tree.
Beauty posts, such as hair tutorials and nail polish trends, which are my secret favorite. We also did four reader makeovers (here are the afters!).
Fashion posts, such as a five-second trick for feeling pretty, my fall uniform, and the most flattering jeans.
TV posts such as the 101 best written TV series of all time, celebrity look-a-likes, casting auditions for The Office, SNL's spoof on Girls and a fantastic ballet documentary.
Design posts, such as natural home scents, how to arrange supermarket flowers, lost loves, the rain room and how to do...anything.
Home posts, such as a 500-square-foot San Francisco apartment, a vacation rental website for families and our own apartment makeover.
Career posts, such as a Q&A with the Girls costume designer and a Q&A with an animal photographer.
Food posts, such as crunchy roast potatoes, the beauty of eating dinner alone, 11 Nutella recipes, how beer's taste alone gets you a little high and three flavored waters.
Friendship posts, such as what to say when there's an awkward silence, how to say goodbye at parties, a spot-on personality test, the power of empathy, three things you're grateful for, wise words for when you're freaking out and the wobbly path to success.
Travel and NYC posts, such as 9 crazy things about living in NYC, what British people say vs. what they really mean, 11 untranslatable words from other countries, Swedish slides, a Positano travel fantasy and how to piss off every New Yorker in 36 seconds.
Relationship posts, such as making out in public, saying I love you, having sex on your wedding night, what marriage means, how to give a reflexology foot rub, having friends officiate your wedding, what you'd do differently if you got married again, celebrity crushes and a brilliant speech about the word "gay".
And, as always, random posts, such as a When Harry Met Sally prank, goats yelling like people, how a key actually works and how to walk on ice.

I hope you enjoyed this year on Cup of Jo, and thank you again for reading. Very much looking forward to new series and exciting adventures in 2014, and sending a big kiss to you. Happy holidays!!! xoxo

P.S. I'll resume posting on January 6th, if you're in a blog-reading mood:)

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