Bark For Life of Western Berks

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 19 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Sorry it took so long!

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Relay For Life of Eastern Madera County Request

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 14 Maret 2013 0 komentar
Thank you for your request.

Relay For Life of  Eastern Madera County

Good Luck Relay For Life of Eastern Madera County!

If you would like to help me reach my goal please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!

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Relay for Life of Hertford-Gates Counties NC Request

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar

 I apologize I had done this but instead of clicking publish  I clicked save and it was never posted.

Relay for Life of Hertford-Gates Counties

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Boot Request

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 11 Maret 2013 0 komentar
"Have you considered a "boots" cover with a cowboy boot vs. a work boot? Given the number of "country folk" I think it would be a hit. Keep up the great work!"

This is such a great request because it should have been a no brainer for me. I live in rural Texas, when I'm asked to design something it is usually western, even my towns slogon is "Spirit of the West!" and yet, a western theme or cowboy boots did not even cross my mind. Right now I am just filling the request but I will be adding a western theme on my to do list.

If you would like to help me reach my goal please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!

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Rosie the Riveter Request

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
"Can you personalize the Rosie the Riveter one. Our Team name is : Team Familia Por Vida and our event is May 18 and 19th 2013."

Here you are and good luck!

If you would like to help me reach my goal please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!

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Win Tickets to Jason Aldean Concert in Lubbock, Texas.

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
Poster I made for the raffle tickets
The George Straight, and Bon Jovi concerts, taught me a lesson people will buy raffle tickets for concerts. If they like the artist. So when I heard that Jason Aldean was coming to the United Spirit Arena I made sure I was online to get to tickets that morning to get a pair.

To buy your Tickets go to my Relay Fundraising page. Tickets are $5 for 1 chance or 5 chances for $20.

In the leave a private note box be sure to write.
Jason Aldean Tickets
Your Name
Your Phone Number

Concert is May, 4 at the United Spirit Arena in Lubbock Texas. Me and my wife will be drawing the raffle ticket on April 22nd.

On A Side Note:
Considering my fear of talking to people the chances of winning the tickets are probably pretty high!

Here is a video of him Live on Letterman

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Girls Wallpaper

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 08 Maret 2013 0 komentar

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Silver Level

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 07 Maret 2013 0 komentar
Thank you for helping me reach the Silver Level! I have now raised $410 toward my goal of $1200. Please keeping pinning my work and telling your friends.

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Request From Anchorage, Alaska

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
I love getting requests, it makes my day and they come from all over the country. It's inspiring to hear from you and all these events around the US. I have had requests literally from across America. From Maine to the tip of Florida, from Florida to Washington and so many places in between. Even from beyond the continental forty-eight to Hawaii and now Alaska. I am humbled that I can help your Relay in some small way. 

Today's completed request:

"I am wondering if you wouldn't mind doing the superhero cover images for the Anchorage AK Relay for Life event..."

Of course I can and good luck with your Relay!

I also saw that your theme was Decades for a Cure and I have one cover for the Century\Decades here you mind find useful.

For those browsing you can find more super hero related covers here or themes I have created on this page.

And as always if you like what you see please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!

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Michigan State Spartans Basketball Wallpapers

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 06 Maret 2013 0 komentar
I always pick Michigan State to go pretty far in the tournament and they never disappoint.

Michigan State Spartans Basketball Wallpapers
Tom Izzo

Michigan State Spartans Basketball Wallpapers
Michigan State Spartans
If you like what you see please donate to my Relay For Life Fundraising page!

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American Cancer Society Facebook Cover

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 05 Maret 2013 0 komentar
I thought the background for my last image would make a nice Facebook Cover with a business card feel. I did not watermark this image as I thought it could be used American Cancer Society Division\Region\office Facebook pages or even staff use. A thank you from me for everything ya'll do..

American Cancer Society: DetermiNation

American Cancer Society: Making Strides Against Breast Cancer

American Cancer Society: Relay For Life

If you would like to customize it yourself;

  • You can download the layered PSD file here (I'm trying FileDropper, I've never used it so if you have issues please let me know. Thanks!)
  • The font I used is Copperplate Gothic Bold it can be downloaded here

I loosely based my typography on this tutorial.

If you would like me to customize it for you drop me a comment with your information.

I know some of the people in Lubbock follow my blog so here's one for you guys if you want..

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Relay For Life of Morgan County Missouri

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
Latest Facebook Cover Request completed

Monopoly Theme

Relay For Life of Morgan County Missouri
The Town Square
Friday June 21, 2013
6pm to 6am

Update to add Versailles, MO


"Do you think you could do a regular poster without the black spot that you had on the FB cover?"

I created kinda of background you can use for letterhead and making your own posters using word or whatever. I hope this helps!

Poster 8.5x11

If you are in this area please support this relay.

And as always if you like what you see please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!

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Relay For Life of USF Facebook Request

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
Latest Request Completed. 

"For my USF relay, our theme this year is animals!!! (of all kinds.. and our school mascot are the bulls)."

I wanted something kind of fun for a college Relay, but sometimes I have to remind myself to be careful. Just a few months ago at was at the West Texas Region Summit and they had a class and a skit that was pretty much designed entirely for me. Of course, I could just be exaggerating  Either way both the class and skit were basically on not messing with the Relay logo and adding schools or other logos to it, well a quick perusal of my blog and it is pretty plain to see do all the time. However, I am really trying to be on my best behavior, to let them know "Hey, I hear you." take this request for example I so wanted to add the bull coming out of the moon. Did I do that? No, I didn't. I just added the American Cancer Society basic logo as the background. Sigh....

I can't help it, really... Maybe, I'll make some facebook covers using this background for awesome staff partners that help us out so much through the year.

On the bright side I really think I killed on this request and I hope you love it as much I do. Here is different background just to give you options.

And as always if you like what you see please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!

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New Milestone!

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
Over 65,000 page views, plus 200 comments.

Thank you so much for your support!

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Relay For Life of Emory University Request

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 04 Maret 2013 0 komentar

Here you go Erica, good luck with your relay!

University of Emory Relay For Life Facebook Cover
You Don't need Superpowers to be a Hero!

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Relay For Life Facebook Covers: St. Patricks

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
This last summer I was visiting some of my wife's family in Michigan and it happen to coincide with the Renaissance Festival so of course we had to go. While there we listened to a bagpipe band named Tartanic.  I purchased a CD from them and it made the perfect source of inspiration for some St. Patrick's Day Facebook covers. I hope you enjoy!

St. Patricks Day relay For Life Facebook Cover

St. Patricks Day relay For Life Facebook Cover
Kiss me I Relay

St. Patricks Day relay For Life Facebook Cover

St. Patricks Day relay For Life Facebook Cover
Irish Flag

If you would like me to add your event information or have an idea for another St. Patrick's Day cover, drop me a comment.

And as always if you like what you see please donate to my Relay Fundraising page!


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My Goals

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Sabtu, 02 Maret 2013 0 komentar
First Goal: My Relay fundraising goal is $1200 for the Relay For Life of Hwy 70 this year. Last year, I raised just over $1000 and I try very hard to increase that goal every year. Last year my big fundraiser was a Cowboy Christmas Ball I am hoping this website and these custom graphics will be my big fundraiser this year. I don't make you donate, but I hope the majority of the people using these can drop me a fiver on the my fundraising page. If everyone who uses these graphics would do this I could easily reach my goal. So please donate especially if I customize something for you. I really don't want to have to have a bake sale, but I'll do it if I have to. Ahh, my poor unsuspecting community!

(Actually, I make an outstanding pound cake. Thank you Palua Dean! :)

You can donate to my relay page at

Second Goal: Some of you may notice a difference when viewing images, I am switching image hosting to Picasa because it integrates better with blogger. So hopefully it will not only look better, but bring people pinning my graphics to this blog instead of Picture Push my regular image host. I have quite a few images so this is going to take awhile. I will also be adding a watermark to the image so more people can find the site. I held of on this at first because it kinda goes against what I believe, but I want people to find me and this is one way for that. (shh, but I should have just listened to my wife when she told me to do this at the beginning.)

*Don't want the watermark? Donate to page and in the message tell me what cover you want and along with your information tell me to remove the watermark and I will.

Third Goal: After I have changed the majority of the images to the new host I will be updating to a new template.Blogger has some new Dynamic View templates that I really like and will work beautifully on mobile devices, but the images must be moved over first to take advantage of this technology. I am really excited about this and looking forward to the change over.

How you can help Reach my goals: If you have never Relayed before look for Relays in your area and get involved or just go and visit a local Relay that night of the event, you don't have to be on a team to enjoy Relay. I highly recommend the Luminaria Ceremony if you have ever lost a friend or loved one, you'll never feel the same after you grieve and remember with your community. Tell others about this site by using Pinterest,  Facebook, or Google +. Comment! You might have a great idea that would help other Relays, Don't keep it to yourself, if I can help I will.

Thank you for visiting my blog and please use anything on this site you want for you Relay projects.


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