A couple of small "studio" dollhouses for you to look at...

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 28 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I made these a couple of months ago... Strawberry Shortcake and her friends, the Calico Critters, Littlest PetShop animals, etc. like living in these small doll houses!  They are a fun "quick" project and are small enough to pack away when not in use.  

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Balisi Part 2

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Rabu, 27 Januari 2010 0 komentar

LIZ: A lot of the products that Balisi stocks are from Europe, they have“euro flair”, does Balisi carry local Canadian brands, and how important do you think it is to stock local products as well as international ones?

DALE: The owners are Canadian themselves and they definitely offer Canadian brands. We carry hats from Ophelia out of Montreal, Phillip Sparks based out of Toronto. We try and bring in Canadian merchandise to really showcase the talents here in Canada.

LIZ: What is the process of buying for the stores, do the buyers follow trends, do they stock what they like, or a bit of both?

DALE: The buyers are Cory and Rehlee; they are the masters behind the brand. They are very up on the trends; most recently we had the current collection as an inspiration of the Gossip Girl scene, so that New York, Manhattan socialite, brought to Canadian fashion. Our clientele are looking for something that allows them to feel in touch with their younger side. Everything we offer has great shape, structure and clean lines for the customer, but also allows them to have that individuality to go along with it. We typically bring in one of each size of everything we have. So once an item is gone, it’s gone. Because we only have three stores in Toronto the odds of running into someone with the same outfit are slim so in essence we are a creating an original, unique one of a kind experience.

LIZ: Who is the ideal Balisi client?

DALE: I don’t think there is an ideal client for Balisi because we get any and everyone, we cater to everyone. I would say it’s the fashion hungry people that really want to feel special.

LIZ: Balisi was first conceptualized as a footwear store, when did the accessories i.e.: handbags and jewellery become apart of the store’s vision?

DALE: The handbags started on College Street and a lot of the clothing and accessories themselves started when we opened the Queen Street location. It’s been an ever evolving process of different things coming in. I think that people want to shop at one store get their entire outfit from head to toe and create their own unique style.

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Balisi Interview Part 1

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 25 Januari 2010 0 komentar
Just before the Holidays I got to sit down with  store manager and in house stylist Dale Hodder of Balisi. Here is part 1 of the interview.

LIZ: Why decide to work for Balisi, since you are an already established stylist for 15 years?

DALE: There are a lot of opportunities out there, but Balisi being a growing company, I saw great opportunities. I met up with owner Rehlee during fashion week and as we talked I felt the connection and the vision of his company and the opportunities that came with it. This company has allowed me opportunities to grow consistently since I started.

LIZ: What was the owners (Rehlee Balisi and Cory Kierstead) inspiration to open a footwear store in Toronto, and what sets Balisi apart from other shoe and accessories stores?

DALE: They have seen a lot of retail stores that currently supply shoes, but there weren’t a lot of them with fashionable shoes, something that’s artistic, and something that is expressive. They saw an opportunity to feed into an energy that didn’t already exist outside of Balisi.

LIZ: Balisi has 2 other already established locations one on College, one on Queen
Street and now this new Danforth location, why was it important to open a new store on the Danforth?

DALE: The major reason was that they already pinpointed the College crowd, the Queen Street crowd. Passing by the Danforth area they noticed that although there were a variety of things, there still wasn’t anywhere that was catering to the younger fresher clientele that was looking for a little bit more.

LIZ: do you feel that the Danforth is a new emerging multi cultural location?

DALE: Danforth definitely was a very traditionally Greek neighbourhood in the past but over the last few years that tradition has grown on a bigger avenue. There are all types of stores and restaurants now, I think the Danforth area was looking for a way to expand itself, and of course we saw the opportunity to become apart of something that is ever expanding.

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How to make your own dollhouse daybed!

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 21 Januari 2010 0 komentar
You can create your own doll house day bed by following the directions in our no-sew doll house sofa post.  Just use a larger block for the base.  For back shape ideas you can look at pictures of real day beds.  Here are pictures of a couple I did with different kinds of fun feet!

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Love is in the air...

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 17 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I just added some more great Valentine`s  inspired gift tags to my Etsy shop! Given the recent devastation in Haiti I wanted to help in some small way, so for every item sold a $1 will be donated to the Haiti relief effort.

Here are just a few of my favourites:

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Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Kamis, 14 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I was very inspired by these monogrammed pillows in the dwelling of Bryan Boone, that I decided to have a go at it... so here they are my initials where I sleep. I like how they turned out, and this little project just gave me so many more ideas! hmmmm....I hope I don't go crazy and go and do something like monogram my undies! If you want an in depth tutorial just email me, although trust me when I say it wasn't that hard, iron on transfer my friends...iron on transfers.

my inspiration : Bryan Boone

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Sneak Peek

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 12 Januari 2010 0 komentar
My sister's room is really coming along. Just a few more finishing touches and she will finally have her eclectic vibe room. Here it is so far:

Stay tuned for the full reveal...

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Use a knitting loom to make doll house blankets or bed spreads...

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
Using a knitting loom (this one was done with the Knifty Knitter brand) you can knit a small swatch and very quickly have a dollhouse bedspread or blanket.  If you've never used a Knifty Knitter before, I highly recommend them!  They're good for all kinds of projects.  You don't have to know anything about knitting or crocheting to use them... you just wind yarn over and over, always taking the bottom loop off the peg!  

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My funny Valentine

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Senin, 11 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I love "love", I love being in love, I think there is nothing that can beat it! So I hope you can all head over to my Etsy shop and have a look at some of the new greeting cards I just put up. Love is in the air.

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And the winner is...

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Minggu, 10 Januari 2010 0 komentar
First I want to thank everyone who entered...I got a lot of great recommendations about some great books! I am currently reading Conversations with God, (my sister told me I had to read it!) so far I am enjoying it a lot, but enough about moi, Without further adieu...the winner is:

Just email me your mailing address and let me know which set of 3 you prefer and they will be on their way to you Marianna!

Stay tuned everyone I have a great NEW giveaway just around the corner for you all!

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Don't throw out those holiday cards, candy wrappers, or old calendars - yet!

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Jumat, 08 Januari 2010 0 komentar
You can make some quick, cheap gilt (gold) doll house picture frames by saving foil candy wrappers!  Cut out a picture (a small rectangle from a holiday card works well, or else one of the small pictures from the back of an calendar or calendar envelope).  Glue the picture in the middle of the wrapper, and fold the edges up until the picture is framed!  That's it!  Here are step by step pictures:

eat the chocolate :)

  smooth out the foil

 glue the picture to the center of the foil and start folding in the edges... you can cut a little from the long side like you see in the picture so that you don't end up with so much "bulk" at the corners.

Keep folding in the sides...

Use a tiny bit of glue to secure each corner. 

You're done and ready to hang the pictures in your dollhouse!

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The Paperie

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier Selasa, 05 Januari 2010 0 komentar
I just added some new bookmarks to my Etsy shop, I hope you can head over and check them out. If you still haven't entered my bookmarks giveaway do so here, contest closes on January 9th 2010.

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Looky Looky: LIV Part 3

Posted by sew4tejhtr6ier 0 komentar
LIZ: Given that today the general public is a lot more environmentally aware, how important do you think it is to stock eco friendly products?

JOANNA: We’ve tried various things, we’ve always had organic towels and sheets available, we have an organic babies clothing line. They are not always my best sellers, but I like to have them there on offer, but I think that at this point in time I am not sure how on board the consumer really is. I know there’s a core of people who are hard core organic and maybe we just don’t get them yet. Mass population wise, we did a huge organic launch last year of robes, towels and sheeting, if it sold it was because consumers liked the look of it, the eco friendly aspect was not always a selling feature.

But don’t forget that Au lit where we launched all this, everything is European cotton, made in Canada, our cotton product is as environmentally sound as one that has been called organic. Our mill in Italy has been on that wagon for 20 years, so it’s like you’re really pulling hairs. I think people care more when it comes to things like their children’s toys and clothes, we carry an organic kid’s clothing line, I have a five month old so I like that it’s organic and made in Toronto.

LIZ: What sort of business experience and or lesson have you learned from watching and working with your mother?

JOANNA: Well everything, I started working for her when I was 13. Here in Toronto it was how to make a bed, that whole Au lit look was all my mom, selling, product knowledge, the buying. The only thing I would say that is mine and I’ve have to do on my own is the clothing. I think with buying its safe to say you have an instinct for it or not, and my mom definitely does and I think it’s fair to say that I do as well. So I think I get it from her. I admire her vision, she’s never been afraid to try anything. She’s so fearless.

LIZ: What can customers expect to see in the future from LIV? Any new product lines, trends?

JOANNA: For spring we are turning the entire back half of the store into a huge loungewear department, with a the pj vibe but some sexier. Expanding on loungewear and the basics in a range of prices and styles. The styles coming for spring, I am calling it sexy and sloppy, because everything is loose, off the shoulder, we have the jegging, and it’s denim but is as comfortable as a legging. Brand new bedding line, love seats that are slip covered in the fabrics that match the bedding. Everything in bedding is natural linen washed look, it’s tying in sexy sloppy. Casual luxury, everything is high end and quality, but washed and a little ruffled.

LIZ: What would you say is the difference from Montréal to Toronto as far as consumers are concerned?

JOANNA: Don’t forget my neighbourhood is North Toronto, I’m sure on Queen Street they are probably more like a Montréal shopper, but I think in Montréal they are a little more adventurous, a little more individual. In Toronto the trends are gangbusters, a lot of that is because of the designer and they have set styles, what’s amazing about that is that if you connect with Toronto consumers, you can really have amazing collections, it can be amazing we never had that in Montréal where people would go crazy for one particular style and it would be a blazing hit. Whereas in Toronto you have that potential they are very discerning. Montréal-ers are a little more quirky, but this is just my experience in North Toronto. Montréal-ers are much more willing to put their money in social activities, they love to go out, eat out. Torontonians are nesters, they love their homes, and they love putting their heart into their homes.

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